K-12 eLearning readiness is all over the map

In spring of 2020, parents and students found themselves in the middle of a forced, nationwide experiment. Certainly, no one wrote a playbook for virtual learning during a pandemic.

We asked -- what can be done now to ensure we do not rush quickly back to norms and miss the opportunities for growth and change?

It was important that we cataloging challenges and learnings in order to develop plans and processes that account for them in the Future Normal.

What we heard...

“It gets confusing working with multiple platforms. Some teachers will only post assignments on one of the platforms and then I’m stuck looking back and forth trying to find where your stuff is."

-Meg, 10th grade student

“I still like it when the teachers are engaging with them. This is going to change the way education looks like moving forward. I still like the idea of a physical teacher being involved versus “watch this video”. Having someone available to answer questions is still very important.”

-Cynthia, parent to elementary, middle, and high school students

“I can see every program at the school up to the fifth grade level. It is a very cluttered process that requires multiple logins and passwords. And each program has different rules or hours that you can use the software.”

-Jordan, parent to first grade student

Education Quality Gaps

Expectation Gaps

Communication Gaps

Because of stories like these,

we started the eLearning UX Project.

Project Vision

We’re on a mission to empower individuals to improve eLearning by equipping them with tools to drive change. Online learning should not be an after-thought.

With proper preparation, systems, and communication channels, it can be a good experience for all!

End Goal

Provide county and software agnostic resources for parents, teachers, and administrators that empower them to improve their online learning process and engagement.

These resources will be provided online as digital PDFs that can be downloaded for local use.

We collected user feedback to drive change.

It's important that all stakeholder voices are included in any experience design project. We talked to parents, teachers, administrators, and local officials to get a 360 view of how to impact the processes behind K-12 eLearning.

Parent Feedback

    • Nationwide feedback collected from parents

    • Both video and survey feedback were gathered to provide richer insight

Teacher Feedback

  • Additional feedback collected from teachers

  • Via survey and interviews we were able to understand their challenges

Administrator Feedback

  • Partnership with a local school district uncovered planning challenges

  • Info from group meetings and district reports provided process insights

Data collection was led by MMR LIVE Experience Design, alongside our partners

Strategy Lead

Project Management

Data Collection Partner

Video Feedback Partner

Graphic Design Partner

The data has been collected, now what?

Throughout the data collection process, we analyzed and coded the input received. We looked for common themes and friction points, as well as fixes or solutions that could be applied more broadly.

Summaries Focused on Usability, Process, and Preparedness

This project is fully focused on the experience of eLearning -- it's software and location agnostic.

By focusing on the tasks parents, students, and administrators need to complete, we can gather data that points to process improvements that are applicable across county and state lines.

Take-Action Kits Built to Drive Research-Backed Change

Designed to drive action and grounded in research, these DIY kits will prepare you for conversations, meetings, and decisions you will have to face when trying to drive meaningful change in eLearning preparedness and process.

Parents: Use the Kits to Advocate for Change

Teachers & Administrators: Drive Research-Backed Process Improvement

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Custom Resources

Contact us about customizing resources for your area.


MMR LIVE is a consultancy-styled group of diverse-minded researchers, storytelling strategists, data analysts and experiential marketers. We help businesses become more valuable to the people who care about them.​We specialize in interdisciplinary experience design, helping build long-term brand loyalty for organizations that embrace change.

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